Squidoo : Lens : Eczema. When You May Not Love The Skin You're In.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Children Can Grow Out Of Eczema

Creams and ointments which can be used only for short periods and might have a variety of side effects that the patient must deal with as well. An effectual treatment of eczema really calls for a proper understanding of the skin condition and what is causing the reaction. An effectual treatment that will last needs to include a proper diagnosis of the dermatitis; eczema is only one sort of these skin conditions. A number of people who have eczema may exhibit varying degrees of symptoms and sensitivity to the triggers. Creams and ointments vary in strength and using the wrong strength in sensitive areas may damage healthy skin that didn't actually have the problem.

Eczema treatments may vary due to the effects of the conditions can range from extreme and debilitating to mild and annoying. If a particular food causes an allergic eczema reaction, the process to find which food is the problem will take trial and error. A lot of people have children that get the most common type of eczema, atopic eczema, which is characterized by itching and red, scaly skin. If a specific group of foods cause your eczema to flare-up, it might be easier to figure out exactly which ones are the problem. Children who have eczema usually show signs of skin that is irritated, scaly, rough, and itchy brought on by allergies.

Emotional stress is not the cause of the disease, but normally occurs as part of the symptoms, just like the blistering skin. Many patients who are dealing with eczema have concerns in regards to the use of topical steroids and their side-effects on their bodies. Damage to the skin caused by scratching has to be controlled and using cotton gloves at night can help with that. Eczema pain generally comes from the further breaking down of the skin by the patient due to how itchy the skin can become. With exceptionally dry and poorly moisturized skin that will not clear up with daily moisturizers; it is wise to consult a physician to see if you have eczema.

Chronic scratching causes the skin to take on a leathery texture, because the skin has thickened from the continued irritation. Damage to epidermis from always scratching might lead to permanent scars if the eczema sufferer is not careful. Atopic eczema is a non-contagious skin condition, generally characterized by red, itchy, dry patches of skin from environmental triggers. A treatment for skin irritations of eczema sufferers might come from wearing more loose and natural clothing; you can also apply a cold compress to soothe the skin.


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